19 March, 2014

Two weeks off in Brazil - in about 6 minutes of video

A friend of mine recently pointed out I don't share much personal stuff anymore. He was right, a good motivation to finally finish that blog about our holiday in Brazil... Entirely personal, so if you don't care about kittens - don't read or watch! Kidding, there are no kittens. Mostly fishies, monkeys, parrots and some complaining about people who don't seem to care for our world.

two weeks Brazil captured

Several days before I left for India for conf.kde.in, we had returned from a two week vacation in Brazil. First week visiting the family of Camila in Santa Maria, a town in the South of Brazil; followed by a week in Bonito, a little vilage in the state Mato Grosso do Sul roughly in the middle of Brazil. I've made two videos as a little report of the trip. Many points for HTC's Zoe video stuff making putting these videos together awesomely simple even though I do use the great kdenlive to make the final one. And the second video about our snorkeling trip is entirely made in kdenlive.

So, first a video of our week in Santa maria in 30 seconds, followed by 30 seconds of where we were staying in Bonito (with friends, Leopoldo & Franciƫle), then 3 more short videos of some trips we went on there. As you can see: Santa Maria was all family family family, bonito is nature: beautiful parrots, monkeys, caves, fishies... Gorgeous.

The second video is our snorkeling trip. It was beautiful - I'll let the video speak for itself. It starts off showing the place organizing the tours, then - off in a truck to the forest and a walk to the river. Never seen such clear water, our tap water at home is dirtier... Fishies next. Now I want to learn proper diving!

Music is from the Free Music Archive, a great resource!

The bad news

The bad news around Bonito is of course also related to its beauty. Luckily, in many places (like the snorkeling place and the cave) they are very conscious of the environment and urge you at every step to be very careful. Even to the point where the snorkeling team makes you walk through a mosquito-infested forest for 30 minutes without any sunscreen or anti-mosquito spray to protect the clean water... But unfortunately, it is not that good everywhere. Lots of animals die on the roads every night - driving in the dark (especially just after sunset) is a precarious activity - provided you care about the animals, of course. If you don't, just speed - you're certain to leave a few bodies in an average trip between villages. Throwing trash, especially food left-overs on the road makes things even worse, as this attracts animals. Trash cans: they are there to be used. It is not that hard, is it? It is sad that people are so ignorant of what is such a precious resource: our planet.

PS my Brazilian Portugese is of course still horrible and I'm sure I made quite a few mistakes in the names and stuff... Sorry!

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