Not talking about the moon landing, just saying I'm home! Camila and myself have landed in Berlin. It has been a lot of work - the Netherlands is not so far, just 700 KM, Brazil is over 10 times that... But now we're settling in. Ikea has the art of making-it-easy-to-build-your-own-furniture licked to such an extend that the level of frustration is absolutely trumped by the sense of accomplishment after building something. As a matter of fact, I've discovered that I enjoy drilling holes in helpless pieces of wood almost as much as cutting innocent vegetables in small pieces. Somehow it is relaxing. Yes, I know, it is disturbing.
Anyway. My office is far from done - I have my keyboard on my lap and my mouse rests on a small chair, just to give an impression of what's still to be done. But the location of our home is absolutely awesome - everything is around. I thought I had lived in a city but this really is a new level... If you haven't seen Berlin and think you can stand me, consider visiting. We've got a very nice guest room and as long as you can somehow claim to have a passing relation to Free Software or either of us personally, Camila and myself would gladly welcome you. We're both used to sharing a place with others and honestly, I prefer to have some people around.
In the work area, I haven't done much in the past 5 weeks - I have lots to catch up to. I'm reading mail now, answering some, ignoring most. So if you have emailed me over the last month and not received a reply yet - I hope I can reply in this week.
Oh, and yes, I plan to be at FOSDEM. And so should you - all your friends will be there!