11 August, 2009

help KDE? A request for a dot story!

So what if you don't code. And don't like doing translations or documentation. But you want to help KDE. There is always community work: help people set up linux, find KDE features. And you can blog about KDE, give it some publicity.

If you like talking and/or writing, consider KDE promo. We're doing lots of things - from (wo)manning booths all throughout the world to writing articles for dot and other venues.

And we can always use help. If you are willing to enjoy a day at a booth, talking to KDE users, interested windows or mac or gnome users, and of course some fellow KDE members - join the KDE-promo list and when an event is near your place, volunteer! I promise, it's big fun and you're doing something good as well. Can't argue with that, right? It's a way better way of spending your time compared to playing World of Warcraft, honest... It's much more gratifying and fun.

And for those who enjoy writing - here's an easy way of getting into that. Write a dot story about this. It's a google translation of an Italian page discussing KDE-on-windows running on ReactOS, a FOSS OS based on the design of Win XP/2003.

Friedrich Kossenbau found it while looking for Okteta stuff (he's the author of Okteta). And rightly assumed it would be interesting to have a short or longer dot story about it. It is interesting from the cross-platform perspective and keeps people updated on progress on KDE on win.

So what is needed? Anything you want. Keep it short, or write a longer story. Use some screenshots from the post. You might contact the writer of the forum post for an interview but just summarizing what he wrote is more than enough. (although an interview often means you have someone else writing most of your article, hehe)

20 lines of text is just as OK as 200. We want to get the news out, not write books - only occasionally do we write really elaborate stories. (yes, I know I'm guilty of writing way too long articles)

It's bloody easy, really. Write a rough draft, ask for feedback, incorporate it, repeat, done. Everyone gets feedback, lots of it, and that's good (especially if you're not a native english writer or have sloppy spelling habits - I suffer from both). And if you really have no idea how to start, just ask. Someone will get you started.

So if you're interested in writing about this cool piece of development in the KDE-windows world, or anything else, join the kde-promo mailinglist. Announce you're willing to write it, then start doing it. Send the draft, and make sure you have a dot account when you send in the final one. We'll throw it on there with your name slapped on it ;-)


  1. I would suggest to install reactos in a virtual box and doing the experiment again, because that forum post looks really old...

  2. @Anonymous:

    "because that forum post looks really old..."

    Huh? It was written 9 days ago!

  3. Even if it WAS old, I don't think you need to go through that much trouble to write a decent dot article.

  4. Ups, i looked at the guys "joined" date, not the posted date (the screenshots looked extremely old.. thats why).

    By the way, tried to install kde on reactos in virtualbox, sadly virtualbox crashes as soon as i double click the installer

  5. @Anonymous

    "...,sadly virtualbox crashes as soon as I double click the installer"

    I have pretty much the same experience here. Just out of couriostiy: Would you mind posting your settings?

    I tried to stick as close to http://www.reactos.org/wiki/VirtualBox
    as possible, but had 3D acceleration enabled. If you could confirm that 3D acceleration has nothing to do with the crash (there were a lot of OpenGL related Error messages in the Virtual machine log), that would probably save me some time trying to figure out what went wrong.



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