16 May, 2012

openSUSE at LinuxTag Berlin 2012, SUSE Hiring!


It's almost that time: in one week LinuxTag opens its doors! Courtesy of your friends at Fedora and openSUSE, there will be 'Beefy Miracle' hotdogs and 'Old Toad' beer. And together with the numerous other projects we bring you talks about Linux and new Free/Open Source technologies, interesting people to talk to and lots of fun and party!

Cool stuff in the booth area, BEER AND HOTDOGS!

This year, openSUSE & Fedora gang up to both support you, the visitors, and LinuxTag, our gracious hosts. We'll hand out 'Old Toad' beer and 'Beefy Miracle' hotdogs for a small donation (€1 per item) to the LinuxTag e.V.! So there you have it:

Come, buy and eat hotdogs and drink beer in support of LinuxTag!

(the openSUSE beer is actually free as the catering didn't like us asking for donations to LinuxTag. However, we strongly suggest to give a donation anyway)

Sessions at openSUSE booth

At the openSUSE booth we'll also have short hands-on tech sessions every day. The schedule:
  • Wednesday-Saturday
    13:00 your ownCloud by yours truly
  • Thursday
    15:00 Colour Management by Kai-Uwe Behrman
  • Friday and Saturday
    15:00 AppArmor Crashkurs by Christian Boltz

Work work! Looking for a job?

I've also heard that two HR people from SUSE will be at or around the booth during most of Friday and Saturday. We're 20 years old, still going strong and have plenty of opportunities so if you're interested in an exciting job at the greenest company in the FOSS world, ask for Johanna Grau or Nadine Pieper!

I'm greatly looking forward to seeing all the friends from various Free Software projects again, like GNOME, KDE, LibreOffice, Fedora, TuxRadio, FreeBSD and many others. And you of course, dear reader!

    (yes, the posters are all mine. Didn't know I had it in me. Honestly, they're all rip-offs of real art of course, the first two based on the official LinuxTag poster and the 'we believe' is something which fuzzily came to me this morning after a way-to-short night. The art is inspired by suse.com/careers - I really like that. It is, of course, all in github (I really DO believe) and merge requests or suggestions are very welcome. But before tomorrow, it has to be printed for LinuxTag!)

1 comment:

  1. btw, I helped a bit with the posters, but you didn't show me that flying-bottle, otherwise I wouldn't allow you to let it like that.. :P
    love you,


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